Working from a speculative future scenario where AI automation has become the norm in the workplace, IN AN AI explores the inner workings of this artificial intelligence. Using an image generating AI by the name of Dall-E Mini and a text generating AI by the name of RYTR, the book shows the results of this generative back and forth between the initial input and the AI's output. 


Using the form of an accordion book, this 32 page publication consists largely of images and only in the middle the text used to generate the image is revealed. In separating the text and image, the words used to generate each set of images are not a one to one match leaving further interpretation as to how exactly the images make sense to us as opposed to the AI's thinking. The images are also further separated from their original by printing them on the risograph in three color stages: yellow, red, and medium blue. The book begins at the ends, where the images are more abstract and ambiguous, and in working towards the middle, the images become more concrete as they reach the text pages. The accordion book form facilitates this back and forth read between the middle and the ends, the images and the text, as well as the ability to view the whole book at once.